Public Property is a Multimedia Installation concept addressing the topic of control and transparency of digital data.

Public Property
— Jan Huggenberg + Andrés Villa Torres
18th – 26th October 2017
Public Property is a Multimedia Installation addressing the topic of control and transparency of digital data. The centerpiece is an automated puppet in the window front – responding to data collected about the visitors. Even though we use digital services on a daily basis, the underlying mechanisms are not fully comprehensible.
Transparency is important to build a healthy awareness of the impact of personal data being transferred and shared. We are running the risk of being puppets of an economy that promises to make life simpler and more entertaining. An automated puppet is acting as a symbol of the unaware user in our technologized world. The individual parts are moved by motors that respond to public data collected about the participant. A collage of the results is projected onto the tiles and reflected back into the room, making fragments of the content visible to the audience. In addition there was also a performance by Live Coding Collaborative Swan Panda.
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Jan Huggenberg
is an Interaction Designer from Zurich currently based in Barcelona, Spain. With a background in IT and his degrees in Interaction Design he always strived to use computers in a creative manner and experiment with state of the art technology. His interests range from human machine interactions and user interface design to media arts installations and flying helicopters.
Andrés Villa Torres
works as future-media artist and designer for digital products, services and media. His main focus is on the future oriented and posthuman ontologies, as well as sustainability, aesthetics, democratisation and ecology of data. He works with algorithms, sound, the web, living organisms, computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning, physical computing and diverse materials.
Swan Panda
is a collaborative electrical storm of live coded madness. An exploratory project by Julian Stadon and Jorge Ramirez, this morphing hybrid transmutates at each port it travels through, converging local and remote weather data telematically, to explore how we interface with our atmosphere and what effect this has on how we respond to The Anthropocene.
Photography by Playground London and Marco Balerdinelli